Project Type: Civic + Public

Size: 266,000 s.f.

Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana

Professional Services: Interiors, Structural

This project was an extensive renovation of 266,000 s.f. of an existing office building for a new state-of-the-art office complex which provides public spaces, collaborative zones and secure areas for the City of Fort Wayne. A total of 450 employees occupy this facility on a daily basis.

In the renovation of the space, Hoch's role was to provide interior design, space planning and structural engineering. Hoch took an inventory of all existing furniture in preparation for relocation, determined furniture and equipment requirements for the conference rooms, waiting areas and security areas, met with each department head to review final layout of furniture, fixtures and equipment, and prepared a furniture budget and bid package for new fabrics and finishes.

Structurally, Hoch provided a complete analysis of the building structure to accommodate new floor loads, mechanical equipment, floor penetrations and atrium infill.