new rochelle intermodal transportation center
Project Type: PreCast Engineering, Large Parking Structure
Size: 1,500 spaces
Location: New Rochelle, New York
Professional Services: Precast Concrete Specialty Engineering
Another high profile garage in Greater New York, this structure consists of four levels with a total of 1,500 spaces. The opening of the New Rochelle Transportation Center provides parking for over 900 vehicles and was designed to look like an authentically renovated inter-modal station with quick access to Metro-North train service to nearby New York City as well as Amtrak connections to Boston, New York and Washington D.C. It also houses the city bus terminal, accommodating as many as 300 buses per day in addition to being the central hub for taxi and airport limousine services. Hoch provided the pre-cast concrete engineering design, shop fabrication documents and erection engineering for this project.